Monday, December 3, 2012

December Daily - Day 2

I am linking up with Ali Edwards December Daily.  Please check out what everyone else is posting for their December Daily.

We worked on getting our tree up yesterday.  My oldest was chomping at the bit to get it up.  This is something I do with my sons. We usually do this while my husband is gone. He really doesn't enjoy the getting decorated stuff. I try to let go of my tree perfection when I have them put the ornaments on.  I think I am getting a lot better at that.  I really think consciously about the memory I want to create with them. We even had Christmas music playing. I was really tested yesterday as my sick cat decided it was a good idea to pee in one of the boxes. Luckily most of the stuff was boxed so we just ended up throwing some boxes out. I just took a deep breath and told myself crisis adverted.

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