Saturday, March 15, 2014

Organize Your Home Week 2

I am linking up with Money Saving Mom and 4 Week Organizing Your Home Challenge. Here is a running journal of how it is going on the challenge.  Welcome to my disaster waiting to happen.

Monday - Totally Distracted

I set my timer for the 15 tidy and got distracted.  I even forgot why I had set it.  The good news is that I did sweep and put away some stuff.  I think day light savings time is dragging me down.

I failed at getting to clean out the car.

Here are my goals for the week
1. Walk at least 8,000 steps daily up a 1,000 steps from last week
2. 3 Blog Posts
3. Spring/Winter Sow some plants
4. work on yard clean up
5. finish book
6. keep up on Bible Study Homework

Tuesday - Got Dirt

The 15 minute vacuum job went well.  I got all of our main area swept and vacuumed with about 30 seconds to spare but who was watching the clock.

The baseboard project started off well.  It is surprising how banged up white baseboards get.  I was shocked how dirty the boards were.

I got half way through wiping the baseboards downstairs when disaster struck.  I had re potted this aloe and my pot was not heavy enough This particular aloe is very top heavy and spilled dirt EVERYWHERE.  So I abandoned the baseboard project. I really had dirt and LOTS of  IT.

Literally the good news of the day was I made it to Bible Study with most of my homework completed. 

Wednesday - Easy Peasy

Got all the door knobs wiped.  I even wiped down the handles on the refrigerator. This was perhaps the easiest assignment. IT only took like 15 minutes.

Thursday - Side Tracked

I just didn't get anything done.  I lacked the will or something. I did buy dirt aka potting soil at Costco and a brand new pot .

Friday - My Day went to POT

I came downstairs to find broken pottery and dirt everywhere. My cats must of sensed a giant bag of dirt in the garage.  They managed to knock a plant over.  GOOD TIMES

I did get some of my light covers washed.  They were all disgusting. I got most of them downstairs. Should not be able to write in the dust.
The good news is I got my plants potted and some winter/spring sowing done.

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