Wednesday, October 5, 2011

31 days to a Better Desk/Office - Day 5

The hutch has been cleaned out - Hallelujah!  I won't lie it has spurred other piles. A lot of stuff has been shredded, thrown out, and boxed up for Goodwill. It feels good.  Check out the before and after.


 It seems like I set the timer for 20 minutes but the project morphs into 40 minutes. Tomorrow I am going to tackle these piles.  Yes, there is a method to this madness.

1 comment:

  1. WOW! I need you at MY house!!! :)

    I blog at "Only a Breath" and would love for you to stop by if you have time! I'm writing about "31 Days to Love Your Neighbor". It has been a very interesting journey to say the least! :)

    Have a great day!
