Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Reading Games

Today is International Literacy Day!

Reading Games not to be confused with Reindeer Games. OK, that wasn't so funny but I just had to put it out there.Last Friday, I took my 1st grader to a make and take on reading games at his school. I wasn't exactly thrilled at the prospect quite frankly. I am way old school and from the school of "why can't just do a flash card drill to learn the sight words." We did try out one of the games at home . Even the Giant Man Child admitted it was kinda fun. We played I have , Who has. This game is used to reinforce the required sight words.

Players are given cards that have I have ____. Who Has_______? or Player's choose the cards they want

Any player can start

The 1st player chooses a card and reads: "I have (sight word) Who has(sight word)? from the front of the card. When a card is read, it is then placed in the center of the table.

example: card says - I have my. Who has fly? player who has card that has the card that says, I have fly. Who has sky?, responds.

The player with the named words reads from the card with the named word on it.

Play ends when all words have been returned to the center of the table.

That is about as clear as mud. I don't know if this games will replace the SWEET deal that Chuckles and I have of for every flashcard you get right you get a minute of Wii time.

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