Wednesday, May 13, 2015

What I have been reading May edition.

I find myself with a book list of one.  This is unusual for me. I think this is the least amount of books I have read in ages.

I finally read a book everyone has read, Still Alice by Lisa Genova.  It made me cry. I seem to be on a tragic circumstance trip with books and movies.  I managed to read Still Alice and watch Remember Me, Listen to Me, and Fault in the Stars.  I couldn't finish Fault in the Stars. This book easily fits the box on the Reading Challenge as a book everyone else has read.

Does anyone else get in a reading rut or lack of finding quality books rut?  Well I am in one so I am going to be checking out Modern Mrs Darcy's Quick Lit.  Please pretty please leave a reading suggestion in the comments.


  1. I had the same trouble finding good quality books last month; I kept tossing books aside, frustrated by them. I'm not sure what sorts of books you usually love, but here are a couple I've enjoyed recently: Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen, The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis and Peace Like a River by Leif Enger.

  2. Don'tcha hate reading ruts? They are so easy to fall into. I just ordered a slew of library loans and now have a towering stack on my dresser (picture on the blog, ha!) that I hope keeps me busy. I loooooved Eleanor and Park (young romance), The Nesting Place (perfectionistic decorating tendencies, begone!), and Hannah Coulter (quiet, peacefully authoritative). Maybe you would like some of those?

  3. I liked Still Alice a lot! I had to abandon a few books this month (after 100 pages or so in, so frustrating!), but I recommend Okay for Now by Gary D. Schmidt or A Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner.
