Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Light it Up Blue

The month of April is National Autism Awareness Month. April 2 was actually World Autism Day. Autism Speaks has a Light it up Blue Campaign.  I thought I would be remiss if I didn't mention it on my blog.

I really love Floor Pie's take on " What Autism Awareness Looks Like."  She echos a lot of my feelings in a lot more articulate way on the subject.

This video also spoke to me. It will actually teach you a new word too.  This is from My Asperger's Child and is called Misunderstood Asperger's Child.

I have found the new blog My Asperger's Teen really helpful as her son and my are the same age and both transitioning to High School. That scares the you know what out of me. We are still waiting for the transition meeting.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm glad to know someone is reading - looking forward to getting to know you and your blog!

    We survived our combination IEP/ILP/ transition meeting, thankfully. I'm really trying to ignore the feelings of dread and stay optimistic about high school, but it's hard! I know I'm going to have a complete breakdown when I drop my son off on the first day. Hopefully both of our kids will make it just fine!
