Saturday, June 13, 2009

Thrifting Mojo

Yesterday, Mrs Epi and I and our lucky charm "the Queen of Quite A Lot" went to our favorite thrift haunt. It was our last hurrah before all our kids were out of school. The very first thing I saw was this lovely footed amber madrid fruit bowl.
I have collected amber madrid since High School. Back in the day, I was the budding romantic and was collecting it for my hope chest. Do girls even do that now a days? The bowl was in great shape and I purchased it. I got it for $18. It was marked $24 but Goodwill has a policy on collectibles that have been there 90 days or more to mark them down 30%. Mrs Epi and I usually hit this place up every other month as it is about a 40 minute drive to get to. I must of just missed seeing it the last time I was there. Mrs Epi also did quite well scoring some little Wade Tea figurines for her collection and some salt shakers too.

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