Sunday, September 15, 2024

Weekly Roll

Linky Love

World Changing Impact of a Dropped Cheetos Bag 

Bundt Pan Trick - this intrigued me - I haven't tried this

 Inappropriate Thoughts

This is more of a conversation we had at the Def Leppard Concert. This is an inappropriate thought that really could use a visual. There was a guy walking around in a crop top that had a hole in the center and deconstructed jeans as most of the front was missing. In the hole in the crop top was a temporary tattoo of himself. I also believe had temporary tattoos of himself on each leg. Above his navel were the words gluten free. He had shaved his arm pits and put temporary tattoos of legs there on each side of his arm pit. He also was wearing a long blond wig rock star style. The guy next to me was there with his older adult son and he mentioned how crazy some of the outfits were and I pointed to this guy. He was having his picture taken left and right. I pointed him out to the guy. He was like oh my god I golfed with that guy last week. He told me we had to meet up at the concert. He had something to show me. I thought he meant drugs and I don't do drugs. Evidently this guy is a salesman and just really out there. I really have looked all over Instagram etc. for a picture because my description just doesn't do it justice.

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