Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Reasons Why You Should Not Have Me Help You Move

Reason 97: I don't love blue tape enough. I definitely didn't use enough blue tape to indicate that I wanted items to stay. Though Chuckles asked the Giant Man child, who had written a note on blue tape and stuck it to himself, if he was marking himself so the movers wouldn't take him.

Reason98: I will have them pack everything. Yes, everything- the kitty carrier, kitty scoop, steam vacuum, rags. Hey, this is equal opportunity. They packed my cell phone wall charger.

Reason 99: I will lose you cat in a completely clear house. See picture below. Elvis, the cat, was hiding in a cupboard. We spent 15 minutes looking for you. Yes, I lose cats in completely clear houses.

Reason 100: The movers I am supervising will bust out your front window when moving your couch out. They managed to smash the window with the couch. It was an accident but disturbing none the less. They man handled that couch for over 30 minutes trying to get it off your little enclosed porch.

1 comment:

  1. Heather, I've been out of the loop for a while. PC died. I mourn it's passing.

    Are guys moving?

