Sunday, October 24, 2021

Weekly Roll- Pumpkin Cut Out Edition

Well, I realized when looking at Halloween Seasons passed my family likes to stick their heads in these seasonal cutouts except my husband.

Linky Love

Diver Discovers a 900 year Old Sword - This is such a cool story

Easy to Draw Pumpkin - I love kid art tutorials.  Sometimes I just need to do something a little bit creative and this kind of thing fits the bill.

Inappropriate Thoughts

Schools don't make good neighbors.  I have lived next to a elementary school for about 12 out of the 15 years I have lived here.  Last weekend was a BANNER weekend at the Elementary school.  One of the interesting things about the elementary school behind my house is it has a large covered area that has basketball hoops. It is also lit.  Below is the text I sent my sister about Friday night at the elementary school.

Listen up unauthorized midnight basketball players and concert promoters. I know it was only 10 but either you need to play slow jazz so I can sleep or 80's rock so I can jam out. I don't think the music you were playing by playing ball would impress Dame Lillard (Portland Trail Blazer). Get with the program. If you are going to play in the echo chamber by my house, show up with some skills and better music.

Secondly, High School Homecoming was held outside on the covered basketball court. They were not allowed in the school even for the restroom. They brought in port a potties. No I was not instrumental in that though I like to think I was. It was loud.  The music just pulsed and bounced off my house however it ended basically at 10. It was probably cleaned up by 1030.  I don't know what a normal homecoming looks like but to me it seemed weird.  I applaud them for making it happen. The BEST thing about this whole experience was they didn't turn the court lights back on. So late night basketball didn't happen Saturday or Sunday night.  Unfortunately they were back at it sans music however Monday night.

Experimental Cooking aka Ugly Food

I tried to make Jill Winger's French Bread from The Prairie Homestead Cookbook.  Don't bake when flustered. The bread is ugly but delicious.

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