Sunday, June 9, 2024

Weekly Roll


Zinnas and Dahlias

Interesting Instagrammers You Should Follow

SB Mowing - I won't lie I have watched way too many mowing videos. He goes around and mows lawns for free. It is strangely addicting

Brandi Kincaid -She has a business that mails out extravagant hope from my old stomping grounds of Washington

The Shabby Cottage - I just like Gina. She has a lot of positive energy, and she has lost a lot of weight

Ali Bradley -The voice of the border - Journalist. Fair and Balanced reporting. Ali is a rockstar.

Inappropriate Thoughts

I was watching an influencer that was on vacation and he decided based on someone recognized him to drive from Massachusetts to Texas instead of flying home on the flights he had booked. He said it was sign. Just so you know I am going to need a much bigger sign than that. Such as Wednesday, I couldn't get my toilet unclogged and I flooded my patio because I left hose on for a couple hours. By the way I live in a high desert. That was a sign to not do anything for the rest of the day. I like big signs. Of course, my husband had it unclogged in minutes. I hate that.

Trash Chronicles

Well, I did indeed find bullets while picking up trash at the skate park. It is a first. I don't know if it is disturbing or not. I have mixed feelings about it. I also found one single Allsup's Taco Sauce Pack.  My pickup is not complete without finding one. There were zero alcohol cans.  I found plenty of water bottles and one single use metal water bottle. That would make a good thing to launch when the mower ran over it.

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