Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Sourdough Summer

 My best friend gifted me with some dried sourdough starter. I finally got around to waking it up.  So I feel like I need to declare this a sourdough summer.  It can be a thing, right.

The first thing I made with it was waffles. We have a weekend waffle tradition when we have sourdough discard.

Then I made Sourdough Discard Sandwich Bread my friend passed on this recipe. It came out a bit darker than I like but yum.

If you notice a theme around discard recipes.  Well I seem to be more successful at those than sourdough bread. 

Previous Posts about Sourdough

I am not a Sourdough Quitter

Sourdough Flop Edition

Diary of a Medicore Homemaker - Sourdough

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