Sunday, June 2, 2024

Weekly Roll


first bouquet of the Summer

Linky Love

What Happened to Flaco The Owl Remains - You know I can't help but link a Flaco Story. I like the proposed Flaco Laws for Rat Contraception

It is time for Summer Reading Challenges I thought I would share a few different ones. I have to say usually I have less time in the Summer to Read but I get a lot of inspiration from these

Summer Reading Bingo 2024 - This is from Beyond the Bookends

Summer Reading Challenge - I like the approach from The Literary Lifestyle

Inappropriate Thoughts

Pictured above is my microphone. I was influenced to get it a few years back. I used it at my house to speak to my son on the 2nd floor while I was on the first. My kid should have of really answered when I called him the first time. I get a lot of flak about it. If you are going to have a microphone for personal use, make sure it has reverb and rose gold. I just consider it a mom tool. I showed my niece, and she thought it was obnoxious. I was reminded that I needed to practice with it for my upcoming officiating. I couldn't find it, so I automatically thought my son had done something with it. He reminded me I hid it. This is why we have kids.

Deep Thoughts

I have been working on two different writing projects. I have been working on a 52-ancestor research/project about a crime that was committed, and I have been working on a wedding script. These are two vastly different things.  I enjoy writing.  I don't usually share what I write so this is a stretch for me. These are also two things I feel I need to get really right. 

Trash Talk

This past week was literally the cleanest this park has ever been. I don't know if there has been an increase in policing but whatever they are doing is working. We picked up a lot of small stuff and a piece of a motorcycle panel. We even expanded the area we picked up.  We did find 3 socks.  Some mom somewhere is wondering where some socks are.

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