Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Weekly Roll

Linky Love

Floret Seed Saving Course - this free mini course launches in August. I find these so helpful. Link is at top of her blog

Mountain Goat dancing on top of a Subaru

$200,000 Genie Lamp found in Colorado I cannot resist these stories

Inappropriate Thoughts

I am so impatient to see what this dahlia looks like. I received a generous gift of many tubers from my friend. They are all a mystery to me.  I just want this to open to see what it looks like. Open!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

How is my Gardening/Yard growing

The yard is less tragic than last year. We still are on the hunt for goat heads. Doesn't everyone send a picture of a goat head bouquet to their husband? We literally pull goat heads every day.  They have terrible thorns and spread literally overnight

My favorite Dahlia seedling. (top picture) I will probably be keeping this one to grow out again next year. All my seedlings have bloomed. My gifted tubers are just starting to bud.

I have two varieties of black-eyed susan's. I love the burgundy one and the yellow centered one looks almost fake. The yellow center one is prairie sun black eyed susan.

I have two types of sunflowers this year. My best friend sent me seeds for Cherry Rose Sunflowers and I have two mammoth sunflowers. 

Zinnias are Floret's Victorian Wedding. Mine are really small. I don't know if I would grow again. I do love the soft pastel colors. The stem length is great too.

This is my cone flower. This thing is hardy.  I would like to grow more cone flowers next year in different colors.

This is a tradescantia which can also be an indoor houseplant. I got it off of the discount rack. It is doing great.  Please see plantswithkrystal and her repot on this.  
I do use a rain barrel. The water from my ac goes in my gutters to this rain barrel. We do get some rain occasionally. I use this to water some of my garden.

I have had failures as well. My patio tomato has yet to produce any tomatoes. I killed a rose bush and since replaced. It isn't looking that hot either. I also killed two sets of zucchini starts. I thought that was impossible.
 I also added Russian sage and some Lavendar to my rock borders. The Mexican heather isn't doing great. I have never had any luck with heather other than it is my name. 

My butterfly bush is alive but burnt on the top. We have had some hot days and that is the challenge of gardening in southeastern New Mexico. I don't think this summer is as hot as last summer.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Sourdough Summer : When to push pause


Sourdough discard waffles.

A couple of weeks ago I pushed pause on my sourdough starter. I fed it and put in my refrigerator, and it sat unfed for 2 weeks. Guess what it revived just fine. In the past I would have tried to keep up with it but sometimes you have to know your own limits. 

I was lucky to receive some dried starter this spring from my best friend. This is always an option. I love she took these through security at the airport.

Here is a link to someone who froze their starter.  LINK - I think this might be a good option too.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

weekly roll


Linky Love

Mega Den of Rattlesnakes -that is a big no thank you from me.

Six Schizophrenic Brothers - I haven't watched this, but I did watch the Discovery 4-part series Happy Valley Road . I read the book and it was really good.

Inappropriate Thoughts

I think I have a problem.  Apparently, I am concerned that I might run out of fennel and poppy seeds. Anyone else like this?

Trash Diaries

The Sunday Park clean up continues. I like to comment and come up with a good story about what happened here during the week based on the trash.

Red Solo Cup You Fill Me Up.  Oh yes, we picked up a red solo cup and the required Allsup taco packets as well. There was one buzz ball and very little in the way of alcohol cans The splash park is still not opened.

Monday, July 15, 2024

What I Read July

 I am linking up with Modern Mrs Darcy's Quick Lit. Check out what everyone else is reading.

I continued with the Crazy Rich Asian Series by Kevin Kwan with Book 2 and Book 3. Watching Crazy Rich Asians on Netflix reignited my interest in the series. I thought they were good reads. My only complaint is there are a few too many characters. I am overall a fan of this series. 

Rachel Chu is going to finally marry Nicholas Young despite meddling relatives including an overbearing mother. Rachel still doesn't know her real father. 

Rich People Problems by Kevin Kwan

Nicholas Young's grandmother, Su Yi, is on her deathbed. Various relatives try to jockey for positions to receive their inheritance. Who will inherit Tyersall Park?

Distance Between Us by Reyna Grande

This is what the book club I belong to is reading. This was a quick compelling read. Reyna is an amazing writer. It reminded me somewhat of the memoir "Educated".  The story follows Reyna's family as some of her family immigrates to the United States, the other side.  Reyna is torn between two parents and two countries. It explains how it breaks her family apart.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Sourdough Summer - How to Wreck Your Kitchen

There is something about sourdough that wrecks your kitchen. You learn real quick to clean up your mess. Sourdough doesn't mess around. I have washed SO many dishes.

I think I might have killed my KitchenAid with kneading discard bread. It has been a workhorse in my kitchen for about 18 years. I got a strong electrical smell kneading.

We also made a double batch of waffles this week too. I have too much discard.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Weekly Roll

Linky Love 
 In the Shadows of Princeton - started listening to this Podcast. Unfortunately, only the first episode is free. It does sound interesting.

 Inappropriate Thoughts

Anyone else sometimes just get the creative itch. I have been messing around with a circle punch and security envelopes.  It makes sense in my head. I have an idea for a valentine card. Yes, I realize it is ages away. Why am I this way? Have you done anything creative today?

Thursday, July 4, 2024

4th of July Shelfie

Happy 4th of July

Sometimes you just need to dress up the top of your china cabinet. There is nothing new up here. I just added bit and bobs in the style of My Weathered Home.  Definitely not as full as Emily's displays nor filled with all the antique goodies.

The boot glass is Anchor Hocking and my Grandma Bettie got it for me from the outlet store. I thought it looks great with the addition of some flowers and flags.