Monday, July 15, 2024

What I Read July

 I am linking up with Modern Mrs Darcy's Quick Lit. Check out what everyone else is reading.

I continued with the Crazy Rich Asian Series by Kevin Kwan with Book 2 and Book 3. Watching Crazy Rich Asians on Netflix reignited my interest in the series. I thought they were good reads. My only complaint is there are a few too many characters. I am overall a fan of this series. 

Rachel Chu is going to finally marry Nicholas Young despite meddling relatives including an overbearing mother. Rachel still doesn't know her real father. 

Rich People Problems by Kevin Kwan

Nicholas Young's grandmother, Su Yi, is on her deathbed. Various relatives try to jockey for positions to receive their inheritance. Who will inherit Tyersall Park?

Distance Between Us by Reyna Grande

This is what the book club I belong to is reading. This was a quick compelling read. Reyna is an amazing writer. It reminded me somewhat of the memoir "Educated".  The story follows Reyna's family as some of her family immigrates to the United States, the other side.  Reyna is torn between two parents and two countries. It explains how it breaks her family apart.

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