Monday, June 13, 2022

Moving Diaries - Hotter than Hades or FIRST thing in the morning

*** Wrote this last week. 

MOVING is an adventure they said. We are still waiting on our furniture, so we have decided to some painting. As we were working in our new to house.  We noticed that it was warmish, and the temperature kept rising. People, they call that a clue. We left for the day, but we decided to come back later. It was even warmer. We call the AC people. Supposedly our unit is only two years old. So, first company says we have to call the original. company. So here I sit.

It seems like every repair person we have called says they will be there first thing in the morning. I don't know what the time is for first thing in the morning. Is that 8 o'clock, 9, 10? They don't give definite times. Where I lived previously, they usually said between 9 and 12 and then proceed to show up at like 12:01. Well the eager beaver, I am arrived at 7:30 and as I type this it is 10.  It is currently 89 in my house and 85 outside. It is suppose to reach like 100. Luckily I am sitting on the enclosed porch with a strong wind blowing.

UPDATE - it is now 1130 and 91 degrees in my house and I am abandoning ship so to speak. I found out that my time is now between 1230 and 430. I am hot and annoyed. I have a cold so I am REALLY hot and annoyed.

UPDATE 2 -  12:31 the repair person arrives. Hallelujah! Leaking Freon is my new band name. Good news is that it is temporarily fixed. 

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