Sunday, October 25, 2020

Weekly Roll

Hawk perched on fence near house

Well I feel like I fell off the planet. I had the worse sinus infection imaginable about 2 weeks ago along with a pizza burn to the top of my mouth. I seriously can't make this stuff up.  Also because of the burn and mouth breathing ended up with thrush and yeast elsewhere.  I am on the mend - THANK GOODNESS


I had a chance to listen into my son's advisory class. They meet once a week. I want to say the kids aren't OK. I am glad they had a chance to vent. I think some of it was general teenage angst but there is sadness and anger too about remote learning. I know we all are just negotiating this the best we can. It doesn't look like high school will be going back 2nd quarter. They have started to bring back elementary kids this week starting with kindergartners and special needs students.

On a happier note my son got to help clean up the aquaculture center at the high school. In above picture he was pretending to be the Jolly Green Giant. Below he is holding a crawfish.

Inappropriate Thoughts

How the heck do they do remote dentistry? I saw that advertised at my Bright Now. Yeah I had to go to the dentist for the thrush and burn. Also my dentist is now charging a $10 covid fee. It would be okay if I saw them doing anything different other than only having 4 chairs in the waiting room which they won't let you wait in. I mean can you make a Bright Now look any more austere than it already is.

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