Friday, February 28, 2025

Resurrected Starter and Ugly Buns

I neglected my starter for all of December and a few days into January. There was a lot of hooch on the top. I am pleased to say after a couple of feedings, "The Beast" (what I am calling my starter unofficially) came right back to her perky bubbly self. I have been making discard bread but yet no sourdough bread. Maybe the time is soon.

I tried my hand at Swedish Rolls, and I am officially calling them Ugly Buns.  They are very delicious though. I have to say this dough is sticky. The recipe is from Farmhouse on Boone - Sourdough Cinnamon Swedish Buns.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Throwback Thursday

Feb 27, 2017

 I am in the process of digitizing my photos and cleaning up my camera roll. I thought I would start sharing a photo from the archives so to speak. It will be from the same date but in the past.

I did childcare before school started.  This little boy loved Godzilla. I mean he loved Godzilla.  We spent a lot of time drawing on kraft paper big cityscapes for Godzilla. I know it was a snowy day from the other photos in my camera roll. I drank a lot of coffee, and the mug is from my best friend's trip to Hawaii. I called it my hot Kool-Aid.  This kid often arrived between 530 am and 6 am and was always ready to play.  It was early. I found the project life spread in my archives.  

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Weekly Roll

Linky Love

Ina Garten 4 Ingredient No Bake Cookies I think I need to try these

Dime Test for Kitchen Aid Mixer - I think I need to do this to my mixer.

Inappropriate Thoughts

I don't understand how my son's brain works. He showed me this review he had left. I have known for a while he has called a Jesus statue at a local church "Sad Jesus."  When I first heard him say it, I was like "What are you talking about."  Since moving here, I have been by this church and statue many times and the name Sad Jesus has stuck.

Deep Thoughts

Our Author meet was on Tuesday with Ina Garten, "Be Ready When the Luck Happens". Below were some of my favorite takeaways.

Recipe for Friendship - Surround yourself with people you feel love for and show them "You Matter to Me."

Women use to feel like they had to act like a man now they just need to act like themselves.

My favorite day is an ordinary day

Friday, February 21, 2025

Book Club Sidequest

My project this year was to write about all the little side quests I take. These are adventures I do that aren't really part of my everyday routine. I thought I would share this one.  We read in Governerds Book Club, "Be Ready When the Luck Happens" by Ina Garten. There was a recipe in there for Coconut Cupcakes. I decided for our Author zoom I would make these for Nonna and my family.  I realize this is very extra. This was my first time making any of Ina's recipes. My youngest helped me as he was off of work.  

The naked cupcake was mine as I can't do the cream cheese frosting. I thought these were delicious. Ina likes her butter and eggs though. I am not much of a cupcake fan, and this was a bit labor intensive but worthy of its 5-star rating.

My review of Ina's book 

Ina's Coconut Cupcake Recipe

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Throwback Thursday

I am in the process of digitizing my photos and cleaning up my camera roll. I thought I would start sharing a photo from the archives so to speak. It will be from the same date but in the past. Does that make sense. 

Feb 20,2022

This is from a visit to Carlsbad, New Mexico. It was up by the Living Desert Zoo which is on a hill. This was February 20,2022

Monday, February 17, 2025

What I Read February

 I am linking up with Modern Mrs Darcy's Quick Lit. Check out what everyone else is reading.

Be Ready When the Luck Happens - Ina Garten

This was our Book Club book. I am looking forward to our Author meet. I was not very familiar with Ina before reading her memoir. Ina is a risk taker. She went from writing policy papers on Nuclear Energy to owning the Barefoot Contessa which launched her culinary career. This book is more about her career than a deep dive into her personal life.  Many people in our book club said it was a love letter to her husband, Jeffery. I hope that everyone has a Jeffrey in their lives. Someone who will support your dreams whatever they are.  

I haven't tried any of her recipes but hope to bake something for our author meet to eat while we watch our meeting.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Weekly Roll

 I just realized I have only read one book this year. I obviously haven't been well.  I need to work on that. A lot of my reading is for the book club I belong to so I thought I would share what I am reading next and what other clubs are reading. That is where I get a lot of book recommendations. I read a lot of non-fiction but I like fiction too.  I just have really high standards for my fiction.  That really came out as a book snob.  I think it is more like know yourself.

Our Book Club book for Governerds is Challenger. I won't lie it's definitely not a book I would of chose on my own. It is also a lot of pages.

Jen Hatmaker Book Club - April read is The Berry Pickers. I am putting this one on my TBR (to be read)

Celebrity Book Recommends for February

A Book Readers Best Kept Secret

Everyday Reading Book Club List for 2025 - good follow on Instagram - Everyday Reading

Inappropriate Thoughts

I really like to put my head through these types of stand-up photo things. This week I had another chance.  I just can't help myself. Below is a very small sample of other photo ops

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Valentine Card 2025


Well making this Valentine was a journey. This is a hand cut bird out of envelopes and specifically the security envelopes. I started by making full size birds.  

Then I shrunk the design.  I wasn't happy with the envelope in the bird mouth.  I had made a lot of them before I realized. I should change it.

This project has evolved since about June.  Yes, I have been working on these for quite a bit.  These birds are really addicting for me to make. I will probably make some more.  I have amassed quite the collection of envelopes. 

Each of these are unique.  Dear friends if you sent me a letter in an envelope, I probably recycled it into art. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Weekly Roll - Superbowl Edition


Yep, I didn't realize the Superbowl was this weekend. I had to look it up. Will I be watching the commercials most likely. I will definitely be eating some snacks. 

Super Bowl bingo

Super Bowl Commercial Bingo

Super Bowl Snacks with 3 ingredients or less

Inappropriate thoughts

It isn't a secret I am an NBA Trailblazer fan.  I have a little fun game I play of spot the former blazer on the opposing team.  

Yep, I have a list. It is a well-loved list. However, it is in disarray due to all the trades that went on last week.  

This list is all crossed out and looking pretty raggedy.

2nd Inappropriate Thought

Well this week garners another inappropriate thought. I found this pig hoof (?)in my mother in law's yard. What the heck!  

Saturday, February 8, 2025

52 ancestors - Surprising Shorthand Love Story

 So far, I haven't been very successful about following the writing prompt this week was surprise. I have been researching the Bond part of my family tree. I stumbled upon this surprising love story that was all due to a shorthand contest. 

Annie Dupre Galliard was the youngest of 4 daughters of James and Susan Gaillard. They wanted their girls to have the best education possible. Annie attended the secondary boarding school, Chickasaw Female College located in Pontotoc, Mississippi under the southern Presbyterian Church.

By Credit: Courtesy of the Mississippi Department of Archives and History - Source:, PD-US,

Chickasaw Female College was founded as Pontotoc Female College in 1851 in Pontotoc, MS, for the purpose of educating young ladies to be accomplished wives, mothers and teachers. Courses offered included Latin, Greek, History, Art History, and Bible Study. In 1853 it was taken over by the Presbyterian Church and the name was changed to Chickasaw Female College. Despite assistance from wealthy benefactors, the college closed in 1936 after many years of financial struggles. MS State Archives

Annie was not only educated in academic subjects but also given piano training. This would serve her well throughout her life as she taught piano and played regularly in the churches she attended.

After finishing college, Annie took up the study of Shorthand on her own using a self-help shorthand textbook and a monthly shorthand magazine. Annie was fascinated by shorthand. 

Shorthand is an abbreviated symbolic writing method that increases speed and brevity of writing as compared to longhand, a more common method of writing a language. -link

Early in 1892 the magazine had a contest and offered a gold pen as a prize to the reader who could best transcribe a certain printed story into shorthand. Annie did it for fun, but her sister convinced her to send it in. In August of 1892 she received a letter from the Magazine notifying her she had won. The shorthand transcription was printed in the September 1892 issue giving her name and address as the winner. She received several congratulatory letters from other readers, all of which were young men. There were very few women who had studied shorthand and secretaries were all men. She replied with thanks to all who wrote. One of these letters was from Z.H Lewis of Covington, Virginia. They began a correspondence in shorthand. 

Zimri Henri Lewis

Z.H Lewis was Zimri Henri Lewis. You pronounce Zimri - ZIM-rye. Zimri is my 1st cousin 4 times removed.  Zim is what his friends called him was born in 1864 in Illinois to Quaker parents, Eber and Mary Lewis . In his early childhood the family moved in a covered wagon to the Kansas Territory from Illinois. During that trip Zimri managed to fall of the wagon and break his leg. Zimri grew up on a farm in the Kansas territory being the youngest of 8. Zim left the farm to attend Baker University in Baldwin, Kansas. College is where he studied business including the newly created shorthand. Upon graduation, Zimri became a professional stenographer /court reporter for Judge Robert L Parrish in Covington, Virginia.

Zimri and Annie's relationship grew through the writing letters in shorthand. Zimri's co-workers teased him over his correspondence. They begged to read the letters. Much to their surprise Zimri let them read them but none of them could because they were in shorthand. 

During this time Annie was working as a governess in a plantation home in Woodstock near Memphis, Tennessee for two girls. It was during Christmas 1894 Zimri visited Annie in Memphis. They were impressed with each other and happily married Aug 14, 1995, at Annie's parents' home in Baldwyn, Mississippi where Annie's dad officiated the wedding.  After the wedding, they moved to Covington, Virginia so Zimri could continue his work as a court reporter. They lived a long and happy life together and they were brought together by a little bit of shorthand.

Interesting Fact

President Woodrow Wilson had mastered Graham system of Shorthand and even corresponded with Graham. Throughout his life Woodrow Wilson used the Graham method. By the 1950 the Graham method of shorthand had disappeared. Wilson scholars had trouble interpreting his shorthand. In 1960, they found an 84 old shorthand expert, Clifford Gehman who managed to crack Wilson's shorthand and translated Wilson's acceptance speech for the 1912 presidential nomination - link

Details are from a History of Annie Dupre Gaillard by A. M. Stromberg and an  family history on Zimri Henri Lewis

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Monday, February 3, 2025

What is Saving Me

 We are halfway through winter, and I am participating in what is saving me. This is a link up with Modern Mrs Darcy. I have done this for a number of years, and I think it is easy to pinpoint what is killing us but much harder to say what is saving us.

What is Saving Me

- this Twinings Immunity Support tea - Blackberry along with a swig of this cranberry syrup is helped so much. I was sick most of January. This taste awesome hot or iced. The local coffee shop introduced me to this combo.


We weren't much of a candle lighting family, but my husband suddenly turned into one. There is something nice about lighting some candles at night. We each gave each other candles at Christmas. Most of ours are Walmart but it has turned into a winter ritual. I also like the battery-operated timed candles too. 


I really enjoy a podcast. I like missing person investigative ones mostly. I am really liking Hide and Seek and the Disappearance of Shane Barton Case.  This is a Washington State case. My nephew also recommended Swindled.  I started at the beginning of the series. I liked #2 The Horse Queen/Rita Crundwell and then I watched the episode of Scam Goddess - Horse Heist about Rita Crundwell. I like Scam Goddess for the comedic relief, and I could see the location and Rita.


Of course, I made homemade valentines, and I have worked on them for a while. I am not ready to share the design quite yet. It is a recycled paper envelope project, and I have saved so many envelopes.  I have really enjoyed what I have been making. It is actually hard to stop making them. It is weird and neat how many different designs security envelopes there are. If you sent me a letter, I apologize but I definitely recycled the envelope into art

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Weekly Roll


Valentine from 2020

We finally made it to February.  I don't know about anyone else, but January was long.

Linky Love

Get Your Valentine Postmarked from Valentine, Texas

Conversation Heart DIY

Inappropriate Thoughts

I really have a desire to do this. I think pushing everything off the table would feel great. However, I would surely hurt myself and I have no plan.  I HAVE ZERO PLANS let alone a map.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Valentine Shelfie


It is officially February 1st, so I think sharing some Valentine decor is a good idea.  This is above my kitchen sink. I have had the Kim Anderson figurines for a long time.  I got the valentine mailbox from Walgreens this year.  and the valentine pics from the dollar store.