Saturday, May 15, 2021

What I Read May

The most welcome sign. Last week, I went inside the library for the first time since March 2020. The majority of my reads I get from the library. I have to say the library is the main hub of our small town. There is no parks and recreation department so the library puts on a lot of programing. When it shut down, I was sad and though I realized the reason it was a loss. I love how my library really rallied and were creative with curbside pick up and some pretty unique programming. 

I am linking up with Modern Mrs Darcy's Quick Lit. Check out what everyone else is reading.

This was the unlimited e read for the month at my library. I find people who live in RV's full time fascinating. Nomadland really explores why many adult and those of retirement age are choosing to live in RV's and work as camp hosts or as camperforce at Amazon even at amusement parks. These are the new modern day gyspy's.  I love how people weren't described as homeless but as houseless. Nomandland was also turned into a movie which I haven't seen. 

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