Wednesday, May 15, 2024

What I Read May

 I am linking up with Modern Mrs Darcy's Quick Lit. Check out what everyone else is reading. My reading has slowed down quite a bit but managed to get one book read.

Bones of the Master by George Crane

I found this browsing the library.  Sometimes that works out for me. This is about the Monk Tsung Tsai who escapes the Red Army in Mongolia and now 40 years latter returns with his now American neighbor George Crane, a poet. I know very little of Buddhism or Buddhist Monks, but this is a fascinating story about Tsung Tsai and his return to Mongolia to find the bones of his master. It is a fascinating adventure. George struggles to become more like Tsung Tsai and learn Buddhism. This meme below made me think of George at the beginning of his Buddhism journey. My sister just happened to send me this meme as I finished the book. 

This book isn't probably everyone cup of tea but I like learning about other religions and adventures.

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