Monday, May 27, 2024

Weekly Roll- Memorial Day

first zinnia of the season
Linky Love
In honor of Memorial day I wanted to Link a old 52 ancestors Post about Lt Charles Liston - Gone to Soon

Bridgerton Books on Sale If you have binged the series, you might want to read the 8-book series. Bridgerton Books Ranked I think I need to read these

In the Blood (Podcast) - If you need a road trip podcast and like crime pods

Inappropriate Thoughts
I feel like I might be going into my dress/skirt era. Yes, I wore a dress on Mother's Day and I had a whole skirt combo going last week. Who am I?

Deep Thoughts

Last Friday, we lost a friend. He died of ALS. It has made me contemplative all week. What is the measure of a life? Why do the good guys die early?  How do we help the people still standing? I also felt like sometimes in friendship is the littlest things that make a big impact. I attended his wedding which I literally still talk about. He was married at the Mormon church in a classroom and neither he nor his bride were Mormon. His co-worker was a ordained Mormon Bishop. I literally walked over to the wedding. This person had a big personality in many ways and executed their job at the highest level with honor and integrity. He valued relationship with his peers and subordinates but not at the cost of cutting corners in his job. I think that is a rare breed. The memorial is next Friday and because of his position there will be an honor guard. RIP Josh.


I was on my own picking up garbage last Sunday. What is it about ALLSUP taco sauce? There are always lots of those. I can't believe that ALLSUP gas station taco sauce is all that. It was a first I only time I only found one alcoholic beverage can.  There was a giant water balloon fight in the park along with car repair. I feel like that computes for a park.

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