We did quite a bit of geocaching in Colorado. We also encountered some unique obstacles such as WASPS, prickly pear cactus, rock piles, bear scat, and rattle snakes. Both the Giant Man Child and I got stung by wasps. I actually had a slight reaction. My youngest nephew came with us quite a bit and we nick named him Finder Boy. There were a couple of caches that stood out. The Giant Man Child's favorite cache was located in the Big Thompson Canyon. It was called, " Lord Grayson -The Mighty Buck Hunter."
View from the Cache Site in the Big Thompson Canyon |
Isn't the view fantastic. By the way, this is where I sat on the prickly pear. My choice of favorite cache wasn't the fanciest cache but I really enjoyed the story that came with it- Fort Junction. It brought you to a forgotten historical marker in a park and ride lot. I think this really embodies what geocaching is about.
Fort Junction Marker |
I didn't quite believe that my husband I saw bear scat but low and behold an article with a bear appeared in the
Loveland Reporter Herald in the same park we were in.
It seems that geocachers in Colorado have a penance for rock piles for hides. So imagine our surprise when we heard a rattlesnake. We quickly decided to abandon that site. Adding to our fear was an encounter at a local candy shop, where the owner was talking about how yesterday her son had been bitten by a rattlesnake and was in the hospital.
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