My youngest requested that the trains be gone from his room. I forgot to take a "before" picture. He wanted a little more grown up room. As I was packing up all the train stuff, I asked him what he would like in his room. He said helicopters. So, I shopped the house. My goal was to spend as little as possible. This is what I came up with so far. Once I actually got the room cleaned up and cleared of train stuff, I have mainly been focusing on these shelves hung next to the window. The Giant Man Child made the shelves for the trains but they work great for displaying stuff.

Both my husband and myself are Army Veterans. My hubby used to be a airframe mechanic in the Army (68G). He worked on the airframe of helicopters. So, we had some helicopter stuff that people had given us as gifts or we had collected. We have several veterans in our family and I thought it would be fun to include some pictures. I thought I would enlarge several or make smaller of these pictures.
There is still a lot to do to get this up to snuff. Some holes in the wall to patch. Some artwork would be really great. I thought an Uncle Sam Wants You sign would be cute. I have been saving my swagbucks. I don't want to invest much as interests around here change rather quickly. I also found a couple copies of vintage WWII Army Aviation posters that would work great in here. They are very reasonable so I will probably get those to.
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