Thursday, March 15, 2018

Booking It March 2018

I am linking up with Modern Mrs Darcy's Quick Lit.  Check out what everyone else is reading.

The first book I am discussing, Rising Strong by Brene Brown,  I didn't finish.  There is so much good information here but for me it was overwhelming.  I had checked this out of the library and I had to renew it once and I didn't finish it then either.  I think this book that could use a highlighter.  So much good information, I think this would be a welcome edition to anyone's library

So being that I quit Rising Strong.  I thought I would give Braving the Wilderness a shot.  Yet again, I was unable o finish. I was able to download this to my tablet via my Library OverDrive account.  Once again I wish I had a highlighter. Brene Brown books I believe are meant to be savored. I will definately be checking these out again.

I also read All the Light We Lost by Jill Santopolo.

"This love story between Lucy & Gabe spans decades and continents as two star-crossed lovers try to return to each other...Will they ever meet again? This book kept me up at night, turning the pages to find out, and the ending did not disappoint."--Reese Witherspoon

This was a Reese Witherspoon book club pick. I had to keep reminding myself this book was fiction. It read a lot like a auto biography. Lots of sex in this book so if that isn't your cup of tea probably not the book for you. I loved the quote about relationships and fire.

That some relationships feel like a wildfire- they're powerful and compelling and majestic and dangerous and the capability to burn you before you even realize you've been consumed. And that some relationships feel like a hearth fire - they're solid and sable and cozy and nourishing


  1. I think you're right- some of those Brene Brown type books are probably best read with a highlighter or pen in hand!

  2. I have a hard time absorbing all the information in BB's books. I usually listen and read hard copy in order to get it all. Pam :)
