Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Buried Life

There is a new program on MTV called the Buried Life. Mrs Smartypants(13), expert on all things cool, turned me on to this program. The basic concept is that 4 guys are trying to cross things of their bucket list, list of things to do before they die. They also help random people cross something off their list. It is a reality show. What I love about the program is that these guys were doing this before MTV discovered them though one of their goals or on their list was to get on TV. The previous episodes can also be viewed on their website. Do you have a list? It is something I have thought about but I don't have it in a formal list. (hmm, I might need to do that)

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA im watching it right now!!!! (They are trying to get one of the dude's a date with Megan Fox) :D
    And by the way im only 12... :)

    Ms. Smarty Pants
